Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Automate your home this Diwali 2015 with Buildtrack Automation Products

Diwali is a festival of lights. It is one of the most awaited festivals of the year. We have family get together, card parties; children burst crackers and the festival is enjoyed to its fullest.

We are so busy with our preparations during Diwali that we tend to ignore small things like the safety and security of children. They sit aside playing and we think they are doing well, but we never know when their mischief might turn into a dangerous incident.

Diwali involves bursting a lot of crackers. Many a times we leave our house open and burst crackers outside. Our houses are filled up with flammable things. One spark and our negligence can destroy everything.

To be safe than sorry, it is better to use Smoke/Fire Sensors which warn us in case of smoke/fire. It rings a bell which helps to take necessary precautions during an emergency. With automation, lot of things becomes easier to control. And for the ones who think it’s a costly affair need not worry as it is quite reasonable.

With home automation, you can control the lights, fans,AC’s, curtains/blinds, etc. Hand held remotes can be used to switch off thelights and fans when not in use. Apart from this you can also use your smartphone to remotely switch ON/OFF the electrical devices.

Now, if you have kids bothering you by frequenting IN/OUT of the house while you are busy with the guests, you can use your smartphone to Lock/Unlock the door. Impress your guests by adjusting the temperature from your smartphone according to their mood. After the party, track whether all the lights and fans are switched OFF from your smartphone.

Home automation allows you to enjoy these benefits and more….So this Diwali gift yourself a safe and secure lifestyle by automating your home.

To know more about home automation, click http://www.buildtrack.in/.  Also, you can gift your loved ones Diwali Safety Sensor kit offered by BuildTrack this year.

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