Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Automate your home this Diwali 2015 with Buildtrack Automation Products

Diwali is a festival of lights. It is one of the most awaited festivals of the year. We have family get together, card parties; children burst crackers and the festival is enjoyed to its fullest.

We are so busy with our preparations during Diwali that we tend to ignore small things like the safety and security of children. They sit aside playing and we think they are doing well, but we never know when their mischief might turn into a dangerous incident.

Diwali involves bursting a lot of crackers. Many a times we leave our house open and burst crackers outside. Our houses are filled up with flammable things. One spark and our negligence can destroy everything.

To be safe than sorry, it is better to use Smoke/Fire Sensors which warn us in case of smoke/fire. It rings a bell which helps to take necessary precautions during an emergency. With automation, lot of things becomes easier to control. And for the ones who think it’s a costly affair need not worry as it is quite reasonable.

With home automation, you can control the lights, fans,AC’s, curtains/blinds, etc. Hand held remotes can be used to switch off thelights and fans when not in use. Apart from this you can also use your smartphone to remotely switch ON/OFF the electrical devices.

Now, if you have kids bothering you by frequenting IN/OUT of the house while you are busy with the guests, you can use your smartphone to Lock/Unlock the door. Impress your guests by adjusting the temperature from your smartphone according to their mood. After the party, track whether all the lights and fans are switched OFF from your smartphone.

Home automation allows you to enjoy these benefits and more….So this Diwali gift yourself a safe and secure lifestyle by automating your home.

To know more about home automation, click http://www.buildtrack.in/.  Also, you can gift your loved ones Diwali Safety Sensor kit offered by BuildTrack this year.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fire break out at Reserve Bank of India

Just recently the news of a fire break out in the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) building was doing the rounds. The fourth floor of the building in Bandra-Kurla Complex (BKC) witnessed a blaze around 8:30 AM.

According to sources, 10 fire engines were rushed to the spot and no immediate casualty was reported. The cause of fire was unknown.

These things take place often now-a-days majorly in offices. The buildings are towering high and the wiring is dense. In addition to that, some offices have huge server rooms. And this is a place that is most likely to catch fire immediately if there is a minor breakout.

These things can’t be stopped, but definitely can be avoided using Smoke Sensors. Practically speaking, it is difficult to manual looking after everything in a huge office. To help with the same, you can install a smoke sensor which will warn you when it senses any smoke and necessary precautions can be taken for the same.

90% of the offices today have huge carpeted areas. It would just require a spark to set a huge area ablaze. Then there are so many products which would initiate the fire easily. Installing a smoke sensor is a smart way to go. “A stitch in time saves nine”, proverbs are not only meant to be read but implemented. Take the initiative and assure safety to your employees.

Extract compiled from the below source:

Thursday, October 8, 2015

How an IP camera helped in arresting a careless maid

DINKs (Double Income No Kids) has been replaced by WPNTFK (Working Parents No Time For Kids). This results in keeping the kids with maids at home or in day care centers. The below article is a true incident that took place with my close friend.

My friend delivered a sweet little baby girl a couple of months back. She is a working woman and holds one of the top positions in her office. Her husband recently got an opportunity to go abroad for a project. They call it good luck of the newborn. As they were a nuclear family, neither one of them could stay back to take care of the kid. They did what most working parents do. They employed a governess to take care of the baby.

The governess seemed to be a good lady and showed fondness for children. My friend immediately fell for her humble behavior and relied on her for everything. Call it her presence of mind or sheer luck; she installed an IP Camera without the nanny’s knowledge.

After the maternity leave, it was time to resume office. The nanny came on time and my friend was quite impressed at her punctuality. But as they say, not every person is as good they seem to be. She explained the nanny everything, the place where the food was kept, the baby’s clothes, bottle, etc. The nanny told her to resume office without worries and that she would take care of the baby and everything there.

She went to office and started working as usual. After a long day’s work she came home and as she entered the baby started crying. After a tiresome day she didn’t bother much. She thanked the nanny, played with the baby and put her to sleep.

The next day she followed the same routine. After a few days, she noticed that the baby would always cry while she was home. This started bothering her now. She decided to speak to the nanny about it. When confronted, the nanny told that the baby is alone the whole day and craves for your love when back. Hearing this she thought that there is a possibility of this being a true fact.

I suggested her to put an IP camera just to check what thebaby does entire day. She decided to give it a try. Doing this would also assure her that the baby was fine. When she had a look at the IP Camera through the Smart App in her phone, she had the shock of her life! She could see her baby up and crying and the nanny sleeping carelessly. She couldn’t hold back her tears and immediately called her husband and narrated the incident. He checked it through his phone too and was shocked. Now she understood why the baby used to cry while she came back.

Her husband told her to calm down and act smartly. They recorded the videos and filed a police complaint against the lady. The police then took the necessary action. When questioned she told the police that she was taking good care of the baby and that the lady was unnecessarily accusing her of something that she has not done. To this, the couple showed her the video and proved that they were right and that she was lying.

This incident came to her notice only because of the IP Camera. The IP Camera saved the child’s life and made us understand the actual necessity of security products.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Why should CCTV cameras be installed in colleges

Colleges, an institution where various people come together under one roof. It is a place where peers come together to impart knowledge and mingle with the crowd. But this crowd is in large number. And to manage a large number of people we either need a huge man power or a solution equivalent to that.

The recent news doing the rounds is about the malpractices in universities and colleges being caught on camera. It is indeed shocking to know that universities encourage mass cheating during exams. Had it not been for CCTV cameras, things like these would not have been brought to light by journalists.

It is because of these CCTV cameras that we can catch theculprits red handed. Having a CCTV camera installed has many benefits:

  •          The activities taking place in the premises can be monitored.
  •          It helps to take necessary action in case of an emergency.
  •          Malpractices can be controlled.
  •          Recordings of activities are available which can be viewed later.

Exams are an essential part of every student’s life and are important as it determines your future. Every student studies hard for it and the ones who cheat and pass go ahead which is not fair. To put a stop to all this, it is important that we install CCTV cameras in colleges and universities. This would give us a fair idea about the malpractices going on in the institution if any.

Installing a CCTV camera wouldn’t do any harm but instead make things easier for you. A lot of cases can be resolved by using the CCTV camera. The camera records the activities and provides a solid proof for the same hence its originality can’t be compromised.

To know more about CCTV cameras, visit http://www.buildtrack.in/.